Mechanical tests
The mechanical tests allow to characterize
the behavior of the material
when subjected to mechanical stresses
that can be continuous
or instantaneous, diffuse or punctual,
at room temperature,
hot or cold
Chemical analysIs
The analysis of the chemical composition
allows through different techniques
to identify and quantify the elements
present in the material.
Analyzes can be conducted
in the laboratory or in the field,
where the components are installed
Metallographic examinations
In metallographic analyzes,
the experience and competence
of the laboratory technician
are of fundamental importance
in order to deepen information
on the structure of the material
through magnification techniques
various metallographic attacks
Non destructive TEST
The non-destructive tests allow
to analyze the quality of the material
without the need to alter it
or to take any sample.
It is therefore possible to locate
and evaluate any defects
in the material without
compromising its integrity
and functionality
corrosion in sulfidric acid
Corrosion and stress corrosion tests
in solutions with hydrogen sulphide
evaluate the behavior of
materials in conditions of use
typical of the Oil&Gas sector.
The standards for these tests
refer mainly to the NACE
regulatory body
Disbonding test
Carbon steel specimens coated
with stainless steel layers
are tested under the environmental
conditions of the refineries,
characterized by the presence
of hydrogen in a gaseous state.
Any detachments induced
by hydrogen penetration
are evaluated
Failure analYsis
Through careful investigations,
the causes of breakage,
damage or malfunction of a metal
component are determined.
Sometimes the tests also allow
to identify useful solutions
to avoid the repetition
of the detrimental phenomenon
The reactions resulting from these tests
are the result of electrochemical phenomena
that allow conclusions to be drawn
on the resistance of the material
to wear and exposure to certain agents
and service conditions
determined by the reference standards

Simulated heat treatments
Portions of the material,
subsequently tested,
are subjected through the use
of ovens dedicated to tempering,
stress relieving, annealing,
normalization, tempering,
hardening from aging and solubilization
and step cooling treatments

Dimensional checks
Through highly qualified personnel and extensive technical equipment that includes a CMM coordinate measuring machine, dimensional measurements and checks are carried out, as well as carrying out internal quality checks on the dimensions of the specimens built

Personalized tests
Based on the specific needs of the customer, customized tests and inspections are carried out. This is a service that may require the development of special equipment and tools specifically built to simulate the operating conditions of components and products

Construction of specimens
The laboratory is equipped with a large and modern workshop for the mechanical processing necessary for the preparation and processing of the specimens. The robotic systems allow speed and quality. These services are also offered to customers with their own internal laboratory who request them
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